Landlord Dos and Don'ts: Landscaping For Rental Properties 

Smart rental property landscaping allows landlords to command higher rents and attract better tenants who stay for longer.

While many landlords recognize that, when it comes to finding and keeping great tenants, a property's interior charm is key. However, they often forget about the importance of the exterior. The curb appeal is the first impression, and a well-landscaped rear garden can dramatically improve a tenant's quality of life.

Smart landscaping then, does more than beautify; it translates to tangible benefits: higher rents, sustained tenancy, and increased property value.

How though do you landscape for rental properties? Well, it requires a mixture of creativity and pragmatism—blending eye-catching design with economic sensibility. It’s not merely about planting shrubs or rolling out lawns but about making strategic decisions that align with tenant desires and community standards while keeping those maintenance expenses down. 

Landlord Dos Landscaping For Rental Properties 

Plant Perennials

Perennials are hardy plants that bloom year after year, cutting down your gardening costs. They're the gift that keeps giving—once planted, and they require less fuss than flowers you must replant each season. 

Less work for you and a continual draw for tenants who can enjoy a changing landscape without the backdrop ever losing its green. Plus, with a variety of perennials to choose from, you can ensure something's always in bloom, keeping your property looking vibrant and cared for with minimal effort. 

Leverage Landscape Design Software

Landscaping design software allows you to visualize changes before breaking ground, saving both time and money. It offers a straightforward and affordable approach to garden redesign: draft your ideal garden digitally, play around with different layouts and see what fits best - no need to hire a professional.

Use Practical Material 

Investing in landscaping is an expensive endeavor. So, you want it to last. And you want it to be low maintenance. Durable elements, such as composite decking or paver patios, offer longevity and require minimal upkeep compared to the recurring maintenance of grassy lawns.

Think of it as setting the stage for years of hassle-free tenancy; your future self will thank you for the foresight that translates into reduced long-term expenditures. 

Landlord Don’ts Landscaping For Rental Properties 

Avoid High-Maintenance Greenery

One of the surefire ways to inflate maintenance costs is planting greenery that demands constant attention; avoid them. Finicky plants that require specialized care, frequent pruning, or have specific soil and watering needs can quickly become a financial drain.

Hardy choices save you time and money, providing an attractive setting without the fuss. Your goal is to create a beautiful yet self-sustaining environment that doesn't chip away at your profits. 

Don’t Ignore Community Landscaping Rules

Aligning your landscaping plans with the local Homeowners Association (HOA) guidelines is non-negotiable. Diverging from their rules can lead to pesky fines and unnecessary headaches.

Before you plant a single flower or lay any stones, review your HOA's landscaping policies. Compliance ensures that you maintain not only the aesthetic integrity of the community but also protect yourself from penalties. It’s a simple step, but an important one if you want to avoid potential problems in the future. 

Steer Clear of Impulse Additions

Avoid the lure of trendy garden features or exotic plants without weighing their long-term impact on maintenance and appeal. An impulse buy might look good today but could turn into a financial pitfall if it doesn't align with your overall landscaping plan or requires excessive upkeep. 

Don’t Overlook Tenants’ Preferences

Before you make any decisions or invest any time or money mapping out your landscaping strategy, you need to consider what tenants are actually looking for, and the kind of tenant you want to attract. 

For example, if you own a single-family home in the suburbs you’re more likely to be looking for a family, and the garden should therefore cater to younger children as well as adult entertainment. If however, you own a house near a university and rent the house out by room you’re more likely to attract students - the garden should therefore be designed with highly durable materials.

Remember, a happy tenant is more likely to become a long-term occupant, reducing turnover costs and maintaining a steady income stream. 

Tracking Garden Maintenance Expenses

There’s no point in landscaping your garden if it’s going to cost you more than you invest in it. However, whilst working out the financial gain may be quite challenging, how do you measure the value of appeal? Working out the overall cost is quite easy, as long as you have the right tools. 

This is where property accounting software like Landlord Studio comes in. Landlord Studio enables you to easily track all of the expenses related to making changes and managing ongoing maintenance. From the purchase of plants and materials to payments for landscaping services, every transaction can be recorded and categorized within the software.

You can easily digitize receipts at the point of sale eliminating paper clutter and ensuring that all documentation is easily accessible come tax time.

Plus, instantly generate reports to gain fast financial insights into your investments and assess the return on investment (ROI) of your landscaping efforts. 

Related: 10 Amenities That Will Increase The Value Of Your Property

Final Thoughts

Navigating the landscaping labyrinth requires a balance of aesthetics, functionality, and foresight. Landlords who master this trifecta create outdoor spaces that elevate their properties above the competition allowing them to charge more rent and attract better tenants that stay for longer.

Remember to choose enduring features wisely, harmonize with HOA guidelines, accommodate tenant preferences, and sidestep impulsive choices that could inflate costs. These principles guide you toward a landscape that complements your rental investment.

When it comes to attracting and retaining great tenants, every aspect matters—from the initial listing and marketing of the property to managing your tenants on a day-to-day basis with online rent collection to managing your rental property financials. 

Landlord Studio provides a comprehensive toolkit for landlords, offering features for listing and syndicating properties to attract new tenants, managing rent collection efficiently, tracking maintenance tasks, and staying on top of financials. 

This integrated approach ensures that landlords can not only find and keep great tenants but also minimize vacancy costs by maintaining attractive and well-maintained landscapes. By leveraging Landlord Studio's suite of tools, landlords can optimize every aspect of their rental property management journey, from curbside appeal to financial success.

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